GIVEAWAY: $25 Amazon Gift Card & 1 e-book or paperback copy of one book in the Haunted Shores series (Winner’s choice).
Are you searching for that perfect Christmas gift for the readers on your list? A gift that will give them hours of enjoyment and one they will remember long after the tree comes down and the holiday decorations are put away?
If you’re like me, you try to select a gift that matches the person. So, before I make my suggestion, let me pose a few questions about your reader friends.
Do they enjoy solving the puzzle of an intriguing whodunit?
Will they savor a nice thread of romance in the tale?
Do they prefer books that whisk them off to beautiful resort locations?

Are they drawn to stories with compelling characters?
Do they appreciate a little “woo-hoo” in their reading, not enough to keep them up at night, just enough to make it interesting?
When they finish a book, do they want to come away having learned something new?
Are they a sucker for a great Christmas mystery?
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, I have a recommendation for you. My humble suggestion for this perfect Christmas gift for your reader friends is a copy of the new release, SCARLET AT CRYSTAL RIVER, the third entry in my award-winning Haunted Shores Mysteries series.

But don’t take my word for it. Check out what the professional reviewers are saying about SCARLET AT CRYSTAL RIVER.
“Scarlet at Crystal River is a suspenseful paranormal novel with compelling characters and an enigmatic mystery that drives the story to a riveting conclusion.” ★★★★★—Literary Titan, Gold Award
“Scarlet at Crystal River” is a rollercoaster of a mystery, hurtling up and down hills and around sharp corners until the very end, when the reader is left slightly breathless, waiting for their hearts to beat back to a normal rhythm.
“This is another masterpiece from Randy Overbeck. His excellent writing style has left me speechless for one more time. He writes in a way that makes you feel what the characters feel and you have no choice but to partake in the journey with them.” ★★★★★—Ioanna’s Reviews, Greece

“A ghost story with a twist, Scarlet at Crystal River is a bestseller in the making. Brilliant descriptive narration sucks the reader in and doesn’t let go until the end of the story. Paranormal and mystery readers will love Scarlet at Crystal River. If you’re looking for a spine-tingling mystery, pick up Scarlet at Crystal River. Highly recommend!” 5+ Stars—N N Light Bookheaven
One thing that is particularly special about Overbeck’s books is that they unabashedly tackle social issues within their plots. “Scarlet at Crystal River” forces readers to confront…the dangers of racism and xenophobia. ★★★★★—ReaderViews
“Overbeck’s writing transports you into real-life landscapes and imagined locations with a seamlessness that makes it hard to tell one from the other. The beauties of the Florida Gulf coast, the swampy growth that borders the greenery of well-fertilized fields, the posh interior of an ag magnate’s two story, all create a land that is seen, heard, smelled and felt.”—KRL News and Reviews
I think they pretty much said it all. What are you waiting for? Click the link below to check the book out yourself. Then order those copies today. Happy Christmas shopping!
Award-winning Author
Dr. Randy Overbeck is an award-winning educator, author and speaker. As an educator, he served children for four decades in a range of roles captured in his novels, from teacher and coach to principal and superintendent. His thriller, Leave No Child Behind (2012) and his recent mysteries, the Amazon No. 1 Best Seller, Blood on the Chesapeake, Crimson at Cape May and Scarlet at Crystal River have earned five star reviews and garnered national awards including “Thriller of the Year–ReadersFavorite.com, “Gold Award”—Literary Titan, “Mystery of the Year”—ReadersView.com and “Crowned Heart of Excellence”—InD’Tale Magazine. As a member of the Mystery Writers of America, Dr. Overbeck is an active member of the literary community, contributing to a writers’ critique group, serving as a mentor to emerging writers and participating in writing conferences such as Sleuthfest, Killer Nashville and the Midwest Writers Workshop. When he’s not writing or researching his next exciting novel or sharing his presentation, “Things Still Go Bump in the Night,” he’s spending time with his incredible family of wife, three children (and their spouses) and seven wonderful grandchildren.
Social Media Handles
Tik Tok @authorrandyo
Scarlet at Crystal River – Specs
- Release by Wild Rose Press—September 13, 2021
- Paranormal mystery
- 364 pp.
- Mild
Book Blurp
All Darrell Henshaw wanted was to enjoy his honeymoon with his beautiful wife, Erin, in the charming town of Crystal River on the sunny Gulf Coast of Florida. Only a pair of ghosts decide to intrude on their celebration. And not just any ghosts, the spirits of two young Latino children. Unwilling at first to derail the honeymoon for yet another ghost hunt, Darrell finally concedes when a painting of the kids comes alive, weeping and pleading for his help.
When he and Erin track down the artist, they discover the children’s family were migrant workers the next county over. But when they travel there, their questions about the kids gets their car shot up and Erin hospitalized. Torn between fear and rage, Darrell must decide how far he will go to get justice for two young children he never even knew.
Darrell and Erin thought they were heading to Florida for a carefree honeymoon, but the ghosts of two immigrants children haunt them, pleading for help.
Review Blurbs
“Scarlet at Crystal River is an eerie paranormal mystery I couldn’t stop reading. Randy Overbeck is a masterful writer of the paranormal, drawing the reader in before instilling shivers down the spine. 5+ stars.” –N. N. Light’s Book Heaven
“A rollercoaster of a mystery, hurtling up and down hills and sharp corners until the very end, when the reader is left slightly breathless, waiting for their hearts to beat back to a normal rhythm. ★★★★★—ReadersView
“Scarlet at Crystal River is a suspenseful paranormal novel with compelling characters and an enigmatic mystery that drives the story to a riveting conclusion. Overbeck is a master at building tension–-this is easily a one-sitting read.” ★★★★★—Literary Titan
“This is another masterpiece from Randy Overbeck. His excellent writing style has left me speechless for one more time. He writes in a way that makes you feel what the characters feel and you have no choice but to partake in the journey with them.” ★★★★★—Ioanna’s Reviews, Greece
Purchase Links
Link to Trailer
To follow along with the rest of the tour, please visit the authors’ tour page on the 4WillsPublishing site. If you’d like to book your own blog tour and have your book promoted in similar grand fashion, please click HERE. Thanks for supporting this author and his work!

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15 replies to "Welcome to Day 6 of THE HAUNTED SHORES MYSTERIES BLOG TOUR FEATURING “SCARLET AT CRYSTAL RIVER” @OverbeckRandy @4WillsPub @4WP11"
Hi Rox, I enjoyed Randy’s approach to this post. It is bold. Thanks for hosting day 6 of his tour.
Thank you Robbie. I hope your world is getting better. Randy is bold and has a purpose.
Thanks for hosting. I figure I need to be forthright.
Very clever, Randy! I’m sold. 😉 Thanks for hosting, Rox! 🙂
Yvette, glad you swung by today. I love hosting talented authors.
Glad I sold you. I hope more are sold as well.
Hi, Rox! What a great reminder that books make perfect Christmas gifts for readers. I answered “Yes” to all your questions, Randy, and I highly recommend all three of this series!
Hi Patty, so delgihted you stopped by today. Randy make s a compelling case for the possibilities.
Take care.
Thanks so much for the recommendation. It means a lot.
Hi, Rox! Thanks for hosting Randy along his tour and thanks to all the visitors who dropped by and will drop by with their support! You all are awesome!
Nonnie, thank you for stopping in. It is nice to see you always. Randy is so much fun to host.
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi.
Hi Rox, Hi Randy,
Randy, your engagement in getting the word out on buying gifts for Christmas is wonderful. I believe many people are beginning to turn back to having a book in their hand.
Rox, thank you very much for hosting Randy.
Pat I agree with you. I am a paper book girl. Thank you for popping in.
Congratulations to Randy!! He is going great guns with this series! His latest is coming up soon on my TBR list and I know I am in for a big treat. He is a fabulous writer!! Thank you for hosting today, Rox, and best wishes to Randy!