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***** Don’t mess with love —- Review by Rox Burkey

Karen Black masterfully weaves the magical mystery of Monique and her birthday rituals. Monique exists with her only companion, Dante, the raven. This delightful micro read awakens the readers’ senses from start to finish. Not one wasted word in this tale as the reader feels the love lost, Lucius, by Monique five decades ago.

Dante brings an invite to the secluded witch to collect a birthday gift at the Nightingale Hideout. She hesitates to go, but Dante suggests giving herself a night out. Her powers of perception get illustrated when she encounters a goblin and saves a lucky kitten. 

Ms. Black delivers another paranormal mystery with romantic elements to make your heart beat faster, wishing you, too, might feel the hands of the werewolf. Each character, from cat to raven and in between, gets unique descriptions and allows the reader to enjoy their successes or failures. I highly recommend this for fans of love and paranormal fantasy—thumbs up.

Enjoy this and all her stories. I do.

About the Author

With a passion for animals, a fascination with the supernatural, and a degree in Criminal Justice, the author combines imagination and experience to create dramatic stories that don’t end quite the way you would expect. A four legged character is included in most story lines, even if just a cameo appearance.

Black lives in the United States with her husband, a variety of wildlife, and two aliens disguised as cats. One of the critters is rumored to be ET’s second cousin, but that has not been confirmed.

Twitter @KarensStories


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    2 replies to "For Eternity"

    • Robbie Cheadle

      Hi Rox, this sounds like a wonderful micro read by Karen. I’ve read and enjoyed a few of her short stories.

      • RoxBurkey

        Hi Robbie, delighted to see you. I hope you are well. This is definately a keeper. Thanks Rox

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