Introducing The Puppy Adventures of Porter and Midge: Out and About – a quick introduction to early socialization and training for puppies that will make them outstanding canine citizens and wonderful family pets. Kids will love following along with the two puppies’ story set in Austin, Texas, as they learn about how to take care of their own puppy. This is the first book in a series of story books, journals, and activity books.

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Puppies are a significant responsibility for children charged with being the caretakers. The proper training, socialization, and patience bring the puppy into the family’s heart. The Puppy Adventures of Porter and Midge: Out and About details the steps for readers to take throughout the dog’s growth from puppy to adulthood.
Families wanting to add a puppy to the family will love the easy-to-apply activities to optimize the experience. Like children, every puppy has a distinctive personality, best served by positive experiences during training. Socialization is as much about practice for both the owner and the puppy as it is about now overwhelming this new family member with unrealistic expectations. Maintaining the puppy’s well-being with proper veterinary checkups, immunizations, and framework throughout its lifespan is vital. The checklist at the end of this book lists the various situations needed for a puppy to develop the ideal behaviors, no matter what sounds, sights, smells, and more.
This book is fun and engaging for all ages but ideal for children. Authors Giselle Nevada and Jennie Chen, and Ann Kelble bring together words and pictures to create lasting positive relationships. The life journey of a child and their puppy helps both handle life’s trials. This highly recommend guide It makes a great reference book families can use for years.

Giselle Nevada has owned several mastiffs, acquired both from reputable breeders and via rescue. Fostering rescued mastiffs and helping them work through their issues led to a keen interest in socialization as a means of preventing future issues. She loves working with her dogs and has dabbled in carting, conformation, agility, rally, trick dog, nose work, and many other canine sports. Her puppy Porter is a testament to early socialization – he has achieved many performance dog titles and has done commercial work. He also has a role in a movie called Match Me If You Can directed by Marian Yeager.

Jennie Chen is a homesick Austinite who founded Keep Austin Dog Friendly. Over the last 20 years, Jennie has owned Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs and Lowchen. She has earned numerous titles in conformation, competitive obedience, rally, herding, animal assisted therapy, and more. She is passionate about the relationship people build with their beloved canines, and she has been an advocate for people living with disabilities who need a service dog to live independently. She is active in various dog clubs and can be seen on AKC.TV from time to time.

4 replies to "The Puppy Adentures of Porter & Midge: Out and About"
Always love a kids’ book that is not only eye-candy but teaches something important. Sounds like this is just that kind of book. Thanks for a great review!
Hi Kristine. Agreed. With kids looking for summer activities, a new puppy might be ideal to spend quality time with before school starts. Much better than the Christmas bundle. Thank you for stopping in.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this book, Rox. It sounds like a great teaching tool that is entertaining at the same time. Congrats to this author!
Yep, Jan, you have the right of it. I recommend the physical book for lasting reference. Thank you for visiting