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Susannah Mobley, expecting a baby by her lover, a slave owned by her family, submits to an arranged marriage to Hezekiah James who is headed to Texas to claim a Spanish land grant. Caught in a series of lies about the origin of a beautiful ring woven from her red hair and the circumstances of her pregnancy, Susannah embarks on the harsh trip to Texas, grieving for her lost love and determined to control her destiny.
On the wagon train journey, Hezekiah is tested by his beliefs and strengths with his slaves and Native Americans, as well as a strange Mad Stone. His determination to build a plantation as fine as Susannah’s home place and to make the best decisions for Susannah fails. Susannah will have to decide if she can live with the consequences of her lies and open herself to this man who shows every form of contrition or if she will allow longing for what she cannot have to destroy her life.

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Myra Hargrave McIlvain, a sixth-generation Texan, is a storyteller who has written Texas historical markers (yes, real people write those things lining Texas highways), articles for newspapers and magazines such as Texas Highways, and six nonfiction books about famous and infamous Texas characters and places.
McIlvain found her real love when she wrote her first historical fiction. All her tales take place in Texas during major periods of its history. However, The Knotted Ring was inspired by an old family story, and in her search to understand what may have happened, she imagined their lives set in a time that she knew well––the establishment of the first Anglo colony.
McIlvain views history as the story of a people; the people she knows best have made Texas home.

6 replies to "THE KNOTTED RING"
Ooh, I love the premise of this book (and that the story is based in part on the author’s own family history). Terrific! Thanks for sharing.
It does seem like a great read. I add it to my needed reading list. Thank you for stopping by.
I enjoyed this story SO much! I highly recommend it. Thanks for featuring Myra today, Rox!
Hey Jan, thank you for coming by. It is on my TBR list. Glad you enjoyed it and shared. Take care.
Thanks so much, Rox, for highlighting The Knotted Ring on your blog. I am delighted and honored to be included
Hi Myra
By all reports this is an excellent story. I’ve added it to my reading list. Thank you for stopping by.