Rox Burkey – Blog Place



***** Forever Friends                                    Review by Rox Burkey Get it on Amazon Author Wanda Adams Fischer relates a tale of one of the bleakest periods in American history. A carry over from the
by RoxBurkey

Things Old and Forgotten

***** Excellent Emotion Invoking Storytelling                                  Review by Rox Burkey On Amazon NOW! Author Mae Clair provides a delightful set of short stories that cover the gambit from magical realism to scary suspense.
by RoxBurkey

Collection: Short Stories of Fantasy

***** Terrific Shorts                                       Review by Rox Burkey Buy on Amazon Author Patricia A. Guthrie brings together four very different short stories to excite teen and young adult readers. Sarpati, The Slot Machine,
by RoxBurkey


**** Exciting World – Unexpected Outcomes    Review by Rox Burkey On Amazon Audible and iTunes Now Wolfish is the second book in the series, but the first of Matt Ward I have
by RoxBurkey

Crossroads Diner #205

**** Interesting Place to Pause and Refresh            Review by Rox Burkey Available on Amazon Author Pamela Schloesser Canepa delivers an exciting twist in stopping in a diner for a quick meal.  Janie,
by RoxBurkey

Journey of Kain Edward

**** Kain’s Driven Evolution                                     Review by Rox Burkey On Amazon and iTunes Author S.K. Ballinger provides an in-depth character development of Kain Edward. Kain faces trials and tribulations, suffering huge losses of
by RoxBurkey