Rox Burkey – Blog Place


The LoveLock

***** Captivating and Compelling Drama                                         Review by Rox Burkey Available on Amazon Author Eichin Chang-Lim weaves a story to enjoy and reflect upon during the winding, divergent path of two people’s relationship.
by RoxBurkey


***** Forever Friends                                    Review by Rox Burkey Get it on Amazon Author Wanda Adams Fischer relates a tale of one of the bleakest periods in American history. A carry over from the
by RoxBurkey

A Secret Gift

*****Love gets a chance                                              Review by Rox Burkey On Amazon Now Author Tonya Penrose weaves a fun tale of love and romance from an anonymous yet generous benefactor to Halley Bowen. All
by RoxBurkey

Open a new door

A collection of poems ***** Power Thoughts and Reflections on Life             Review by Rox Burkey On Amazon Now Authors Kim Blades and Robbie Cheadle born in Britain, living in South Africa combine efforts
by RoxBurkey

Knight Kisses

**** Love is difficult                                            Review by Rox Burkey On Amazon Now Author Athina Paris reveals the independent path of a young girl, Gabrielle, who’s life shifts on its axis with the death
by RoxBurkey