Hi there, I want to personally thank you for visiting my site today to discover the Sir Chocolate Books – Sir Chocolate and the strawberry cream berries story and cookbook. Please leave comments below to be entered into the fantastic giveaways. Thank you Robbie. Rox
Sir Chocolate and the strawberry cream berries is a sweet rhyming verse story for children about Sir Chocolate and Lady Sweet who set off to find the strawberry cream berries that grown on the ledges of the mountains. The berries are defended by a family of unfriendly trolls, but when an accident occurs, the brave pair discover that you should just others based on their appearance.
How to make a chocolate house
You will need:
1 board to build the house on (I use a wooden board);
8 x 80 gram bars of milk chocolate (the kind with blocks);
2 x large Kitkat bars
A quantity of royal icing
Sweets to decorate.
Step 1 – 2 Sets of double chocolate bars will form the front and back pieces of the house. Stand two bars side-by-side and using a bread knife, cut the bars with a sawing motion from the top right-hand corner of the first bar across the squares to the bottom of the third square down. Then cut the second bar from the top left-hand corner down to the bottom of the third square down. These cut bars will form the front of the house. Repeat for the back of the house.

Step 2 – Apply a line of royal icing to the bottom of each bar and along the inside of one of bars to make the front of the house. Attach the pieces to the wooden board as per the picture. If they are wobbly, use 2 tin cans to hold them in place while the royal icing dries.

Step 3 – Cut the top three lines of squares off four bars of chocolate to make the walls. Apply royal icing to the bottom of each piece and two both sides. Fit the sides to the house as per the picture. Then make the back piece of the house in the same manner as for Step 2 above. Allow the royal icing to set for an hour.

Step 4 – Carefully unwrap the KitKat bars and cut the roof pieces to size with a knife. Attach the roof to the house sides at an angle. Use royal icing to join the peak of the roof.

Step 5 – Use sweets to make windows and doors in your house.
Step 6 – cover the board with royal icing and make a garden using sweets and vermicelli as per the picture.

The adventures of Sir Chocolate and Lady Sweet in poetry form. Michael came up with the idea of Sir Chocolate and Lady Sweet and many of the characters contained in the books, when he was ten years old. His ideas were such fun that Robbie decided to turn them into little verse books for his entertainment. The book contains recipes for children to make with adult assistance.

Robbie Cheadle is a children’s author and poet.
The Sir Chocolate children’s picture books, co-authored by Robbie and Michael Cheadle, are written in sweet, short rhymes which are easy for young children to follow and are illustrated with pictures of delicious cakes and cake decorations. Each book also includes simple recipes or biscuit art directions which children can make under adult supervision.
Robbie has also published books for older children which incorporate recipes that are relevant to the storylines.
Robbie Cheadle

To follow along with the rest of the tour, please visit the author’s tour page on the 4WillsPublishing site. If you’d like to schedule your own blog tour and have your book promoted in similar grand fashion, please click HERE. Thanks for supporting this author and her work!
So glad you stopped by. Please leave your comments below for a chance at GIVEAWAYS – 7 Paperback Copies (1 of each book)+ (2) $15 Amazon gift cards
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43 replies to "Welcome to Day 1 of the SIR CHOC Book Tour! @bakeandwrite @4WillsPub @4WP11 @RRBC_Org #RRBC"
Hello Robbie. What a surprise. You’re on tour today. What a recipe for the creative kind.
Congratulations. Have an awesome day!
Hi Shirley, what a treat to have you stop by and check out Robbie’s post. She is so talented.
Hi Shirley, thanks for visiting and commenting. I ran a few classes to teach people how to make these houses and one enterprising lady has made a business out of it. I was so impressed.
Okay, Robbie, I want to build the house with my granddaughter but don’t have a clue as to what is ‘royal icing’. Good luck on the tour! Thank you, Rox!
John thank you for swinging by here. I want to see the house John builds with the expert help of your granddaughter. Film too.
HI John, this is such a fun project o make with children. I hope Rox doesn’t mind but here is the link to a YouTube video that shows you how to make royal icing. The recipe and instructions are at the beginning so you don’t have to watch the whole demonstration of building the rocket ship. If you do make a house, I would love to see a picture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1z6FrYrCJY&t=193s
I love it Robbie and don’t mind in the least. John would love to see film of your efforts with sound up. Thanks Robbie.
Thank you, Rox
Hi Robbie, Hi Rox,
I love how you put your heart into baking. This time you have chosen my favorite fruit,––Strawberries. I love strawberries and eat them almost every day.
Good luck on your tour. I personally will you all the best.
Rox, thank you for hosting Robbie.
Wishing the both of you a great week.
Shalom aleichem
Hi Pat, glad you stopped by. I am on with the daily strawberry thing and love making a plain strawberry cake, but this recipe and presentation from Robbie is remarkable. Stay safe.
Hi Pat, thank you for you good wishes. I also love strawberries and all sorts of other yummy things.
[…] You can read the post here: https://roxburkey.com/welcome-to-day-1-of-the-sir-choc-book-tour-bakeandwrite-4willspub-4wp11-rrbc_o… […]
Thank you Rox for hosting Robbie today. I have read and reviewed this book, but I must say I don’t have the courage or the patience to create such a fabulous house. Here is a link to my Goodreads review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4020958299
Hi Marian, thank you for stopping by. I wish I had the nerve to build one.
Hi Marian, thank you for your support and review of this book. The kids just love making these houses and I’m hoping to do some workshops again this coming summer.
This is awesome, Robbie! <3 Thanks for hosting, Rox. Sharing…
Bette, Delighted you stopped in. This is a great post by Robbie. Take care.
Thank you, Bette, and for your share.
I would make a right royal mess of trying to build a house out of chocolate bars!
Elizabeth, nice of you to swing by. Robbie is patient as can be in building these lovely creations.
HI Liz, I am sure you would do a great job. It is not that difficult once you get the hang of it. Thanks for visiting and commenting.
I have never been a particularly crafty person, but I admire those who have the imagination and ingenuity to pull off something like Robbie has managed to do. I’m so impressed with her houses and Sir Chocolate characters.
Pete thank you for stopping by my blog. Robbie is inspiring to say the elast.
Thank you, Pete. These are great fun to make.
Great to see Robbie’s writing and cake-making skills featured here. Shared both posts on Twitter.
Best wishes, Pete.
Hey Pete, thank you for stopping in and sharing. She is an amazing cook and wonderful author.
Thank you, Pete. I have made a model of an Ollie look alike, but not as dark as him. I’ll be sharing it in my next fondant dog creation post.
You always look so in-control when you’re demonstrating, Robbie. Love this series. So great for kids and parents to cook together.
Jacqui delighted you stopped to visit. Robbie has mastered the collaborative fun cooking events.
Hi Jacqui, I agree that baking and art are wonderful activities to do with children and they love it.
I have to say, while I think that making a house of chocolate is cool, once you add Kit Kats to the mix… I am afraid that there would be no roof! I am an unabashed Kit Kat fiend! Love your work, Robbie. Enjoy the tour.
Love the Kit Kat fiend.
Thank you, Annette. My son, Greg, also loves Kitkats and there have been a few innovations on my part when the intended roof has disappeared.
those look like easy enough directions to follow, but even then it looks like too much work for me
Maybe Jim with these instructions it will be fun, not work. Thank you for stopping by to visit. Take care.
The book trailer is so cute! I wish I had this book when my son was little. Thanks for hosting, Rox!
Thank you for stopping by to watch it. Maybe your son would love it now. Still yummy.
Hi Yvette, thank you for all your support.
I never would have made it to step 1, Robbie. I would have eaten all the chocolate and had nothing left to build with. Best wishes on the tour!
Teri, delighted you took time to stop here. Thank you. Robbie’s books are so much fun.
Hi Teri, thank you for visiting. I must admit the children all show excellent restraint during the actual building. What happens after construction is a different story, of course.
Oh, what fun it would be to make a chocolate house! Rox, we may have to try that!
Congrats to Robbie and many good wishes! Thank you for sharing, Rox!
If you have the nerve so do I. Thank you Jan for stopping by.