***** Overall ***** Performance ***** Story Regrets and Choices Can’t be Undone—Move On — Review by Rox Burkey
Ms. Bohling creates a world with a different perspective on love and soulmates. The color of the world converges with deep emotional connections. The vibrant colors, sounds, and feelings get reflected throughout Brighten’s journey. Brighten’s characteristics are professional and relatable. She works, enjoys her friends, travels, and rarely speaks to strangers. But when she and Cain have an offbeat conversation in an airport bar, her life changes, yet she can’t entirely submit to the change. Though she has seen colors in her world, she doesn’t know how that occurred. Old hurts from deceitful lovers allow her to keep her distance. The connection with one’s soulmate opens the door to rainbows and sensations different from any other connection in life. Cain is a complex character with the patience of a Saint waiting for Brighten to take a risk with her heart. All the characters are relatable and distinctively individual, and listeners or readers would enjoy them as friends.
The story delivers a rollercoaster ride with twists, turns, and unexpected shifts that are impossible to foresee. When you think things will take one direction, the floor drops out, delivering obstacles. The masterfully presented story paints with broad brushstrokes, fine lines, and wild splashes to make one think about choices made and roads traveled.
The narration by Lisa Roumain was flawless, with perfect intonations and timing. The voices were distinctive. Quality of the sound made for an outstanding enjoyable getaway. Not only is this story highly recommended to fans of contemporary romance with a blush of fantasy, but both of these creatives are worth following. Outstanding experience.
Author Kirsten Bohling

Wife. Mom. Wrangler of corgis. Self-declared real-life Poison Ivy with a major plant obsession.
I drink too much coffee (we’re not going to talk about that) and obsessively listen to music (but we can talk about that). I love movies, superheroes, and beautiful things that make me cry. The weepier, the better.
As a kid, I spent unforgettable Michigan summers foot-to-foot with my grandmother, reading the day away. Reading evolved into writing and a lifelong passion for telling stories was born.
A long-time student of heartbreaking romance, I joyously cut my teeth writing lots and lots of fan fiction. There’s something amazing about exploring the depths of human emotion centered in a universe I adore. While I don’t write fic any longer, many of them still can be found littering the internet, and the friendships I formed and things I learned will last forever.
When I’m not spinning stories and jumping genres, I can be found playfully heckling batters at Mariners games, making mediocre crochet, brewing beer with my best friend (that guy I married), and knocking things over with my lightsaber. I live in Seattle with my husband, three smallish humans, and a corgi named Asuna.
My debut novel, We’d Know By Then, is available now from Lake Country Press. Website