It is finally here!
The Rave Reviews Writers’ Conference begins August 10th and extends through August 16. Word is this one will be the best! There is no better way to enhance your writing skills, interact with other authors, find new books to read, play games, and win prizes without leaving home!
Five years ago, when Nonnie Jules, created this conference. there were few, if any, virtual conferences taking place. We were all still enjoying getting out and attending physical events. The innovative thinking of Nonnie Jules gives us an even richer way to exchange ideas and meet authors. Lots of great authors!
The RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB is an international book club dedicated to reading and giving honest reviews. But it is SO much more. It is a community of writers who develop friendships and encourage others in so many ways. This conference is one of the highlights of the year for this community!
Take a Peek at our 2020 Sessions and Workshops!
- Amazon Author Central: What It Is and How It Can Help You Sell More Books
- Anatomy of an (Almost) Perfect Book Review
- Anatomy of a Blog Post / Your Content Is King
- Are You Failing As an Author? The Reasons Why and How To Start Soaring
- Book Marketing Without A Plan: ‘Know Where’ You’re Going Before You End Up ‘Nowhere’
- Creating A Writer’s Platform That Will Get You Noticed
- How To Blog an Entire Book in 30 Days
- How To Build An Audience and Sell More Books
- How To Turn Your Blog Into A Hot Spot! Keep Readers Coming Back For More
- STOP Marketing Your Books! How To Get Others To Do It For You
- The Basics of Spelling & Grammar: What You May Have Slept Through In School That’s Now Hurting Your Writing
- The Easiest Way To Format Your Paperback via Word Doc
- The Elements of a Short Story
- Powerful Keywords and How They Can Increase Your Blog’s Traffic
- The Simplification of “SHOW DON’T TELL”
- The Skinny on Social Media – Using It The Right Way So You’re Not Just Spinning Your Wheels
- TRELLO – A Step-by-Step Guide to Using it Effectively to Organize and Write Your Next Book
- What It Takes To Become A More Productive Writer
- Writing Dialog That Feels Like Realistic Conversation
- YOU the Reviewer Are Ruining YOU the Writer. Why Your Book Reviews Are Turning Off Potential Readers and How You Can Turn It Around
- Filter Words and How To Avoid Them In Your Writing
- What RWISA-Ready Looks Like
Here are the #benefits of attending from Nonnie Jules!
You’re a writer. You realize that there is a lot for you to learn to become a great writer…heck, even a good writer. You’ve heard about writers’ conferences but you’ve no time to attend, you’ve no money to spare, and most of them are just too darned far. You’ve heard that they are wonderful, though, and you’d really like to see what they’re all about, so, what do you do?
Well, there is such a thing as a virtual writing conference, and below I’m going to share with you some of the benefits of attending an RRBC writers’ conference & book expo.
*A virtual conference allows you to attend from the comfort of any place of your choosing (living room, bedroom, bathroom, your car trunk, Starbucks, etc…). Writers’ conferences and book expos come a dime a dozen as we say down South. I mean…just like churches and liquor stores, there’s practically one on every corner. But, with the busy lives that we lead, we often find it difficult to get away to visit or participate in one, so the next best thing is to find one online. No need to worry about the cost of travel fare (car, bus or plane), no need to worry about hotel accommodations (you get to sleep at home), or, the cost of eating away from home…you get all that you need, when you need it, right where you are. #BENEFIT
*Resources you will use forever. When you attend a virtual writers’ conference, you have the ability to revisit much of the information that is shared because it is all online. The sessions and workshops presented at an RRBC writers’ conference, are all created with the purpose of educating attendees. Our sessions and workshops are on carefully selected topics that we know authors need in order to grow in their writing careers. The handouts that you receive (virtually), are invaluable along your journey as a writer. No matter the format utilized to present these sessions, attendees leave our sessions and workshops enlightened and with a renewed sense of having learned something that will make them a better writer and stronger marketer for their books. #BENEFIT
*Payment Plans. Have you priced writers’ conferences and book expos lately? Well, I have and who can afford them without skipping a mortgage payment? Geez! There again lies the beauty of a virtual conference (at least an RRBC one). Not only are the prices lower than any others we’ve found, but, we also have payment plans to make it easier to afford an author booth to promote your books, a vendor booth to introduce and sell your wares, and all the sessions and workshops your amazing brain can handle! #BENEFIT
*Community. The RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB popped onto the scene over 7 years ago and has offered to writers something never heard of before: a community of support that truly cares about the success of its members, and a community of like-minded individuals who care about the success of their fellow members just as much as they care about their own. There’s no competition here. We’re all trying to get to the same place, and we’re gladly sharing the load so that we all get there quicker! This community (or family as we like to call it), is there through the good times and the bad; there to lift you up when you’re feeling low and need the encouragement to write another page; there with advice on how to handle certain situations involving your writing, tips on how you should write, what literary services you should utilize, and so much more. We purchase, read and review each other’s books, we give our honest opinions on those books, we promote one another via our blogs and social media forums, and during the conference, we all get to commune to further our careers and friendships even more. #BENEFIT
*Friendships. Many RRBC members are surprised at the bonds of friendship they form once they immerse themselves within the club. The World Wide Web is known to be a cesspool of ‘crazies’, stalkers and any other negative label that you can attach to someone who you should be wary of on the net. But, not so in RRBC. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are some that I’m sure you should be leery of, but, I can assure you they are not within the realm of our core members…the professionals who work hard to protect and maintain their reputations as authors. We are a global organization with members around the world, which means, when you find those to call ‘friend’, you’re never without a place to rest your head along your travels. #BENEFIT
*Find great new books. Since the inception of RRBC, we hear on a daily basis how readers were introduced to amazing books they might never have found had it not been for RRBC. The traditionally published have their work plastered all over the place, and sometimes, our Indie awesomeness is a little hidden…you have to dig deep to find it. That’s not the case within RRBC. We have amazing talent in our midst and their books speak for them. If you’re looking for great reads, look no further than our catalog. The conference & expo is THE place for our members to introduce their latest work and you don’t want to miss out on any of it! #BENEFIT
So, there you have it… the most important benefits of attending a virtual writers’ conference & book expo hosted by RRBC. What you will walk away with will far outweigh the pennies you will spend to take part in it. And, because 2020 is our year of being judged on the skill with which we write, we hope that all our members care enough about their writing and their reputations as writers, to take part in this awesome event, which can only serve to further their writing growth.
Last year’s event was amazing and it was our 4th year putting it on. With the past few years under our belt, can you imagine the things that we’re going to do this year? I don’t think you can!
Everything about this event is geared towards your success. If you haven’t registered yet, we invite you to do so at 12 central time. Don’t be the lone wolf standing on the sidelines of this wonderful event, wishing after the fact that you had been part of it. Jump right on board our rocket to the stars. We certainly have enough room for ya!
See you at the conference!
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