Rox Burkey – Blog Place


Glorious Garlic

Review by: Rox Burkey Buy Glorious Garlic Here Glorious Garlic offers the reader an interesting combination of history, folklore, science, and advice on how garlic can enhance your living. Ms. Lull
by RoxBurkey

Deer Dancer

Review by Rox Burkey Buy it Now! Deer Dancer is classified as a Hispanic American Literature / Fiction. It is definitely a period piece in Meso-American history that recounts a class struggle between the
by RoxBurkey


Review by Rox Burkey Click to Buy! Aquasaurus is a tale that takes place across parts of Texas that are beautiful, rich in history, endearing, and often dangerous. When the drive to
by RoxBurkey


A Grey Witch Nove Review by Rox Burkey Purchase May Day Ari Mason was driven out of her coven and forced to find her own way in the world. Living in Houston she
by RoxBurkey