***** High Desert Adventure ----- Review by Rox Burkey
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Quentin Eckman creates a relatable, imaginative storyline set in Joshua Tree National Park
*****Opening one’s eyes and mind ----- Review by Rox Burkey
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Olga Tymofiyeva creates a realistic point of view of Nathan’s coming-of-age
An Adam Weldon Thriller
***** A nail biting adventure ---- Review by Rox Burkey
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Mr. McGinnis takes readers on an exciting sailing adventure throughout the Greek
**** Music and Mayhem ---- Review by Rox Burkey
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Wendy Bartlett combines Beau’s passion for playing her violin in a folk/bluegrass style with her
Review by Rox Burkey - - - **** Creative Historical Fiction
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Mr. Sinclair sets up the story as a look at history from a collection of correspondence exchanged during