Review by Rox Burkey
Author Jan Sikes writes a different type of love story. One
that is not only unexpected, but also told from a unique point of view. The
vivid descriptions of
Audible review by Rox Burkey
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Michael Sandels delivers a politically
incorrect fiction that will make you laugh, chuckle, and think. He creates an
imagined 2036 life in a place filled with
Review by Rox Burkey
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Roy Clinton keeps readers interested in this series from the beginning of book 3. The tension kicks off with John Crudder trying to catch
Interviewed by Rox Burkey
I have a special discussion to share with you about a man who i have known for a long time. He has supported my co-author, Charles Breakfield,
Review by Rox Burkey
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Jean Webster brought
this work to life in 1912. Webster used letters as a vehicle for a young
orphan, Jerusha Abbott, who leaves the only life she
Review by Rox Burkey
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Author McIlvain creates an accurate
historical account of a Texas plantation owner, Albert Waters, during
Reconstruction, circa 1875. His son brilliant, Toby, is heading for Harvard
Medical School