One can find authors all over the world. Born in Georgia, my delightful guest today is a ExPatriat living in Germany. This creative soul is not only a writer, but also an accomplished musician and song writer. I have heard she also knits though I have no idea where she finds the time for that fun craft.
In addition to releasing two short stories in 2021, Pat creates memorable flash fiction, thought provoking poetry, and a variety of blog posts. One of things that drew me to Pat to please have a chat with me is her honest kindness and support to other authors. As a fervent reader her thorough book reviews add insight to other readers. She puts her passion and heart into everything she does.
Thank you, Pat for visiting with me today. I hope we share some surprising things about you with my readers. Let’s begin with you sharing the beginnings of your writing journey.
My writing journey started when I was three years old. I couldn’t write but I loved to tell stories and would write them down on paper. They were words that no one understood but me. So, I would read them to whomever I could grab. I was five years old when I learned to write.
Pat, all your writing makes one think about the uniqueness of the individual. Is that my design or something else?
No, it isn’t your design. My writing is about uniqueness, perception, and the very special privilege that we have to live in a multicultural world.
Was there an event helped you launch your short stories this year?
Yes, but it wasn’t an event. It was people who have been very supportive and have walked along beside me. My developmental coach, Laurie Sanders, Nonnie Jules, 4WILLS Publishing, and a woman that has followed my career since 1981, Ann Biller.
Your two short stories are different and yet about independent women. Is one of these a favorite, and why?
Both of them are my favorites. I’ve always wanted to write books not just for others to read, but for me too. I enjoy reading one of them on a Friday evening with a scotch on the rocks in my hand.
Who do you consider your audience?
Anyone who wants a good read. I write Romance, Romantic Suspense, Creative Non-Fiction and Poetry. I have been working on an allegorical tale since 2013 that can be read by children but it needs lots of work.
How do you cultivate your fans?
By writing the best stories that I can write to capture their hearts.
Of all your writings, what are you most proud of at this crossroads in your journey?
That I am still writing. Writing isn’t easy for anyone; however it was extreme difficult for me when I first started. I was born in the Deep South at a time when a job as a maid or a dishwasher in a restaurant was considered good. I was told several times that Black people weren’t writers, and that I had no chance. It was my faith in God and that He has a purpose for my life that kept me writing.
I don’t wish to pry, but how did Europe become your home of choice?
I fell in love with Frankfurt, Germany while sitting in the back seat of a car taking me to my duty station in Frankfurt. I didn’t know at the time that I would become an Expatriate living on the European continent. As a soldier, I was stationed their for two and a half years and didn’t do anything but go from one PX to the other, thinking I had seen Europe. During the last month of my tour, I realized that I didn’t know anything about the continent and my journey began. At first, I thought I would stay for two years, and I am still here. This is home.
I recall during a conversation you mentioned how you landed the great job in Europe and jumped into learning a new language. Can you relate a bit of those details here?
I started in an international bank. I was the only African American and didn’t know German. Learning German was not easy, but I am glad that I could learn it There were many German people also that reached out to help me get the fluency, the rhythm, and the sentence structure correctly.
I see you joining many events during my daylight hours. Do you ever sleep?
I do sleep but sometimes very little. When I am in my flow and writing, it is not unusual for me to write through the night without noticing it.
How much of you is contained in Della Cartwright, from Turn The Light On?
To be honest, I really don’t know. You could ask the same question about A Shared Dream, and I would give you the same answer. I don’t know. I do know women that I relate to strong, independent, resourceful women. They go their way, climbing mountains and overcoming hardships and disappointments that many men and women are afraid of.
What are your writing activities during your typical day?
I write around six hours a day before I take a break a three-to-four-hour break. When I’m revising, I limit the time working on a manuscript to four hours a day. Revising takes up a lot of time.
I tweet heavily on Tuesdays and Fridays.
I read every day.
I step away from my computer and anything that smells like work one day a week.
When do you find time for music and songwriting what is your favorite beat i.e. country, classical, pop, rock, etc?

I can always find time for music. I come out of Georgia and spirituals, gospels, blues, jazz, country, pop, classical, and rock are in my blood, thanks to my father who loved all kinds of music.
What is your proudest writing accomplishments so far?
Turn The Light On and A Shared Dream
How does it feel to publish two books in one year?
Exhausting. There is so much that I have to learn.
How do reviews impact your writing?
It depends on what the person is saying. I received one very helpful review on A Shared Dream that I have taken very seriously and decided to change the book cover. The new book cover will be coming out soon, and I love it. It is more appropriate for the book content.
Do you have a process to share with other authors on your writing methods?
No. I believe each writer has to find the best way that suits them. Writers are human beings, not robots.
Do you enjoy getting in front of fans and potential readers through festivals and book signings? And, if yes, is there anything in the near future where folks can meet and chat with you?
I do concerts in some parts of Europe and had to learn how to reach out to others. Although I haven’t had any book signings or appearances at book festivals, I don’t think I will have a problem with meeting and chatting with others.
How do you feel about having a social media presence?
I am okay with it. It is one of those tasks that comes with being an author who wants to sell books.
Which groups that you participate in brings the most value to you as an author?
RRBC was the first book club that I joined. I had to go underground after joining to take care of my husband, but afterward I came back. I am a hybrid author and being in the club has helped me understand the publishing world as a new kid on the block. I’ve found that Self-Publishing gives you the know-how you need to deal with traditional publishing.
The IWSG (insecure writers support group started by Alex J Cavanaugh) has helped me overcomes my insecurities. I started with this group of writers some years ago, and I’m glad I did.
The WEP (Write Edit and Publish) began with two female authors that I know. I have been with them several years and I’ve seen the changes in my style. I’ve also gotten to know my voice.
Like other authors I know you read, and you like many genres. Which genres are your favorites this year?
I really don’t have a favorite genre. I love reading, and especially the writers shortlisted for the National Book Award and the Man-Booker award. I love checking out the bestsellers on the indie and the traditional listings too.
Do you prefer ebooks, audible, or paperbacks?
Ebooks and audible. I love taking my library with me and having the opportunity to listen or read a book when I am on the road.
You get an invite to an exclusive author event in Rome. Who are the two authors you would like to sit between and what questions would you like them to answer?
I know you said two, but I want to give you four. Alice Munro and Joyce Carol Oates who are two of the best short story writers I know of and E.L. James and Anne Perry.
What is the next story your fans can look to see and when? A little sneak peek would be perfect.
I’m working on a novella that will come out next year.
The novella deals with a man with Asperger Syndrome and the woman he chose to love. There is still a lot of work, but here is a small snippet.
A small Fiat flew by as he walked around his car to reach the boardwalk. “Shit,” Gioacchino said. The small car almost hit him.
Some people shouldn’t be given driver’s license.
He ran to the revolving door, sprinting by people as he ordered them to move aside so that he could pass by them.
Jediah, wherever you go, I’ll find you and bring you back. There is no hiding place for you, my love. I won’t let you leave me. A contract is a contract. A vow is a vow.
How big a factor is social media in your success?
Rox, my biggest success comes from knowing that I am out there doing what I love to do, writing. I hope that will always be so.
Where can folks find you and follow you
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28 replies to "Pat Garcia – Writing Lady"
This was a great interview! I enjoyed learning more about Pat, and I love the photos of her singing. Pat, I love that line, “A contract is a contract. A vow is a vow.” I look forward to reading the whole story when you finish it.
Hi Yvette
Thank you for swinging by. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Pat is one amazing author. I can’t way for the next one from her.
Good Morning Yv ette,
Thank you so much for visiting my interview on Rox’s blog.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Shalom aleichem
[…] Pat Garcia – Writing Lady […]
Really enjoyed the interview.
I am looking forward to reading your novella when it comes out.
Thank you for sharing your dream and talents with the world!
Hi Carolyn, Delighted to see you here. Please comeback often. I am looking forward to Pat’s next release too.
Thank you so much Carolyn. It is a pleasure and a privilege to be a writer. Please stay in touch. The next story will be coming out sometime next year. I am in the process of editing all the unneeded bugs out.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Shalom aleichem
What a wonderful interview with Pat. It was great to learn more about her and her reasons for living in Germany. I have read all of her work and loved each story! Thank you for featuring her today, Rox! And Congrats, Pat!
Hi Jan, Thank you for taking a minute on my blog. I think 2022 is going to be a major year for Pat Garcia.
Thank you so much Jan. That is a big compliment about my two stories. Thank you for that also. I really appreciate this opportunity to do an interview on Rox’s blog. It was a work of love to answer the questions. I smiled many times as I remembered the past.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Shalom aleichem
Fabulous interview, Rox. I thought I knew a lot about Pat but learned so much more. First of all, Pat is precocious, writing at age five: phenomenal. And persistent: Learning German and disciplined in writing for hours every single day.
Another thing we are in agreement about: Alice Munro is a fabulous short story writer!
Thanks again, Rox, and congrats, Pat!
Marian, Thank you for stopping by. Pat deserves the limelight. She is remarkable.
Thank you so much Marian. I had to laugh at the word precocious. If you had been able to ask my dad back in those times, he would have said that I was too sassy and cocky for my own good. He really worried about me. Today, I know it was concern about me getting through the world without being thrown in jail or killed. He didn’t know the word precocious.
I love Alice Munro. Her short stories have given me much encouragement. Joyce Carol Oates is also someone I would recommend. These two women have found their voice and it is wonderful listening to them as I read their stories.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Shalom aleichem
HI Rox, a lovely author interview with Pat. I learned some new things about her from this post and that is always fun. Congratulations, Pat, and all the best with your new book.
Thank you so much for visiting me on Rox’s blog, Robbie. I am happy that you got to know something new about me. You are now beginning to enjoy warmer months and moving into summer. I hope you have a nice one.
Wishing you a great day.
Shalom aleichem
Thank you, Robbie, for taking time to visit here. Pat is facinating and a creative author. Take care.
Thanks, Rox! I’ve always wanted to know how Pat ended up in Germany. These were great questions and I love Pat’s honesty in addressing them. I look forward to the new novella, Pat.
Thank you so much Linda for visiting me here on Rox’s blog. You know when I left the U.S. to come to Germany, I never thought I would stay here. I landed on October 24th and that was one of the coldest days in Germany. Snow was everywhere. Coming from the southern part of Georgia, I froze because I was improperly dress. When I left home we were enjoying 90 degrees Fahrenheit. I remember saying I got two years to get through this and then I’m going back to the world. I never thought that 2 years would be over 30 years and I am still here. I never dreamed that I would fall in love with Europe.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Shalom aleichem
Hi Linda. So nice to see you here. I am glad you enjoyed the discussion. Take care.
Hi Pat and Rox,
What an interesting interview. The fact that you went from the deep south to Germany is amazing. You have an adventuresome side that serves you well. I wouldn’t have had the courage to try learning a new language in a strange land. So good for you!
Thank you so much, Shirley, for visiting me on Rox’s blog. I am smiling about what you said about learning the language. German is a difficult language to learn. When I first heard it, I thought, no way. Give me French, Spanish, or Italian, but not German. I didn’t start learning the language until I was out of the Army and had decided to stay here to learn the culture. So, I learned the hard way that the only way I was going to learn the culture was to learn the language. I decided to do it properly and that meant going to night school to take German classes. I had one teacher who was really hard on me. He didn’t cut me any slack. I will never forget him because he was the one who taught me everything I needed to know to move intelligently through the German society, to write letters, and to read anything I wanted to read. My dislike for the man turned slowly to appreciation. I asked him before I left his class after two years, why he was so mean to me, and he said, because I want you to be able to stand up and not shudder when dealing with us Germans. I am now thankful that he was hard on me.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving..
Shalom aleichem
Hi Shirley, I suspect you have the courage within yourself to do anything you put your mind to. You are a unique individual. Thank you for stopping by to learn about Pat.
Good Morning Rox,
Thank you so much for inviting me to be a guest on your blog. You are a great writer with many genres hidden within you. To get to know you is a privilege that I enjoy.
Keep writing, keep moving toward fulfilling your purpose, and never give up. There’s a blessing behind every dark cloud. We just have to sometimes look for the silver lining.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Shalom aleichem
Pat, it is my honor to know you. I look forward to more of your stories and poetry.
What a wonderful interview with one of my favorite writers! Thank you, Rox, for showcasing Pat. Her adventurous spirit and huge heart made me a fan from the start. Bravo!! Shalom!
Good Morning Gwen,
Thank you. I feel the same way about you. You are one of my favourite writers and I especially like Letting Go,, which I will finish reading today. Your support is something I treasure.
Shalom aleichem
Lovely interview. Thanks for sharing. Best of success, Pat!
Hi Joylene, so pleased you stopped by. Thank you.