Here’s What I’m Giving Away Today
- 2 sets of ebooks for the short stories discussed below
- 1 Full set of audible codes for the Enigma Series (UK)
- 1 Full set of audible codes for the Enigma Series (US)
# of Winners for this stop: 4
Please post a comment to enter into the drawing – Good Luck!
Breakfield and Burkey are co-authors of the Enigma Series. They also craft short stories which are insights or back stories to the main books. Until 2020 these were reserved for contest or fun for a future anthology. But a birdie suggest we consider shorts so we did. We are publishing them in different genres from the series including: historical fiction, family fiction, and woman’s fiction, to expand our reach to different fans. So far they are well-received by readers. We look forward to more reviews and feedback.
Writing these has been fun as well as allowing us to explore a different storytelling method. You are invited to enjoy any or all of these. Enjoy the tour!
Book Trailer for Out of Poland





More books and shorts are in the works by Breakfield and Burkey. The Enigma Threat is on pre-order now with a release scheduled for January 2021. Please visit our website for chapter sample in PDF and audible, book trailers, Free Stuff, and special offers like the COVID Special featured on top of the site. Please follow us on Facebook Twitter Pinterest and Instagram.
You are also invited to subscribe to this blog, where I often feature book reviews and interviews. Take care and please leave a comment below to be entered for the daily drawing and the tour drawing. Thank you for visiting.
39 replies to "Welcome to the #RRBC “ROCKIN’ 2020 AWAY” BOOK, BLOG & TRAILER Block Party! @EnigmaSeries #Giveaways"
[…] Rox Burkey […]
Hi there. Thank you for allowing me on the tour!
Thank you Marian. You obviously Rock!
Hi, Rox! I’ve met you as host and author at RRBCs Zoom sessions and now I see how prolific you are. Impressive! The first video whets my appetite for reading Out of Poland because part of it is set in Switzerland, land of my ancestry. Love’s Enigma also looks enticing. 🙂
You and Breakfield are a dynamic duo. and you are smart to use a variety of genres to expand your reach into a larger fan base. Brava!
Oh, Marian. I had no idea that Switzerland is your ancestral home. The R-Group heroes of the Enigma Series smuggled a copy of The Enigma Machine as they fled Poland in 1939 and settled there. The operations they set up was designed to be the best information gather group on the planet. Individuals and companies around the world seek their help. They are the best good guys around. There are some interesting vids on our YouTube channel and we would love your to follow and share. Thank you so much for sharing your history and for stopping by. Come back often. I love to feature book reviews more days and interviews and blog tours on other days. Take care.
I look forward to viewing your YouTube channel. And, of course, I’m looking forward to your book reviews, interviews and blog tours. Thanks, Rox!
Wow! What a great trailer. I love the hearth-thumping music. Best of luck with the book and your blog tour.
Hiya Sam. I hope you are well. Thank you for visiting my blog. I do post many book reviews here of my RRBC author buds. If I could just keep up with the books I buy I would be remarkable. Thank you for the kind words. Please mention to your friends that The Enigma Threat is on pre-order for $.99 for the ebook. It has some wild surprises. Take care.
I want to see those movies! What awesome trailers for Out of Poland and The Enigma Threat! I have Out of Poland on my Kindle and will be reading more of the Enigma series. You have a truly interesting blog, and I’ll be following you!
Hi Patty. Thank you for dropping by. Nonnie did a stellar job on the trailer, I hope you look to her for your next one. The Enigma Threat is in pre-order now with a special FB live party on Jan 8. Thank you for getting OOP and we look forward to your review. Thank you for following. Be safe.
Rox and Charles, what a wonderful website…love the videos. I loved OUT OF POLAND and have THE JEWEL in my Kindle TBR file. I’m looking at getting into the ENIGMA series as soon as I get caught up on the books I purchased during our last book fair. I enjoyed the visit and wish you both well. Enjoy the rest of your tour.
Hi John, great to have you visit. I am still catching up on my buys from the fair as well. I post lots of my reviews here and yours have been among them. I appreciate your kind comments, thank you. Be safe.
Hi Rox. I think your books may be way over my head. I did like the graphics in your Enigma Threat trailer. I will subscribe to your blog so I can learn more about you and Breakfield. I love the musical drama coming out of the “Out of Poland” Book Trailer, and I do have the book.
Hi Shirley, I am delighted to see you today. I don’t know if anything is truly over your head. The novels do have a technical flavor to them which is why we include a glossary of some of the terms. Each one have a technology focus like identity theft, or ransomware, or living forever by altering DNA or even the growing acceptance that technology is the perfect helper. The shorts are not technically focused. I love the trailer for OOP as well. Nonnie did a masterful job. I post lots of reviews for books on this blog. Our website EnigmaSeries.com has lots of samples, pdf for each book and an audible sample. Take care.
I never knew you had so many short stories. I read Out of Poland and really enjoyed it. I have Love’s Enigma on my Kindle. I think I have the first Enigma book as well. I will have to double check. Great post, Rox! 🙂
Hi Yvette, I am so happy to see you here. Your books have graced this blog. I hope to get more RRBC authors here. Thank you for coming today and reading the post. Take care.
Hi Rox–These stories take me back to my days of working at MIT! I’m anxious to add them to my reading list!
Hi Wanda, Wow that is terrific. When I completed my grad program I was added to Nortel Networks team and worked under a terrific gent names Neal Kaden who was an MIT grad. I was blown away by how smart he was. Great learning experience. Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you come back often. Take care, Rox
Hi Rox, I have loved the books of yours that I have read. You and Charles are excellent writers. This post is a great representation of your work. Have a great day and take care.
Hi Robert, Such a treat to have you visit me. I hope this party makes the year end faster. I am so ready to move on to next year. You take care and thank you again for stopping by!
Hi, Rox. Just stopping to say hello. Your trailer is outstanding! Enjoy the party!
Hi Karen. Great seeing you here. Thank you for watching the trailers. I love hosting book reviews and author interviews. Take Care!
Hi, Rox! Congratulations on a thrilling tour stop today. The books are obviously edge-of-the-seat reads. I especially look forward to The Enigma Threat, which I put on pre-order. CESPOOL– What a fitting name for the corrupt, compromised cyber police. Enjoy the rest of the Block Party!
Hi Flossie, thank you for the kind words. We live in a world of acronyms and find that making them up is even more fun. There is a specialized terms on our book series website that you might enjoy if you want a chuckle. I love this party. Rock on. Take care.
Hi Rox, wow, it’s like a chocolate box of book flavors!!!
Hi Wendy, what a fun ay to put it. I like how you turn a phrase ma’am. I hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for stopping by. I really like this tour. Be happy!
I’m placing Out of Poland on my must-read list. My mother fled Poland in the thirties. It was a sad time for my family. l I’ve read other books about code machines, and I find them fascinating.
Hi Susanne, thank you for adding that short. I am glad your mother made it. The Enigma Machine is the basis for our R-Group’s existence after the 3 men fled Poland with a copy of the machine. They formed an information brokerage to help their friends and thwart tyranny. The Enigma Machine is the foundation of computers. Thank you for stopping here. Take care.
Hi Rox,
I have not read any of your works so far but the book trailer that I saw on YouTube on Out of Poland convince me to get into your books. I left a comment on YouTube about the trailer. I think it is absolutely awesome and has the type of tension. that I want in my book trailers.
I also think it is great that you both are branching out into short stories, flash fiction, and backstories from novels that are not included in a book. They bring the reader, even more, closer to the main character. I believe the backstory presented in small sequels makes a successful series.
I have enjoyed visiting you on the book tour. You have given me much thought about my own book trailers.
All the best.
Shalom aleichem
Good morning Pat. I am delighted you had a chance to stop by. We have been writing these shorts for some time, but Nonnie suggested we publish a few. It is fun so we are grateful for her suggestion. Thank you for visiting the YouTube. We periodically add different items to the channel. You take care and thank yo for your time!
Hi, Rox. An outstanding showcase for Enigma Series! Great party stop. 🎉 Sharing…
Rox, I love your trailer for THE ENIGMA THREAT! Good for you! Hope you had a blast when the party stopped on your block!
See ya soon!
Hi Nonnie, I am delighted you took the time to stop by. I love this party tour. Great event, and so many wonderful authors. your ideas are always great. Hope you are well. Take care.
Hi Rox. All your stories sound interesting, I’ll have to check them out.
Thank you Charles for stopping by. Take care and enjoy the tour. I am loving all the stops.
Hi, Rox. I don’t know how I missed this tour stop yesterday, but sadly, I did. However, I’m happy to catch up! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new Enigma Treat book trailer! It’s like watching a movie trailer. Just stunning! Congrats on all the new short stories! I need to catch up on them soon!
Jan, you are welcome anytime. I am glad you like Threat. It is on pre-Order for $.99 until Jan 8. Thank you for all your comments. Take care.
Hi Rox, this is a great post. I watched your Out of Poland book trailer a while back and let a comment over there. It looks very exciting.
Hi, Rox! I’m excited to read the four books you gave as a door prize! Thank you so much!