*****Searching for Spiritual Expansion Review by Rox Burkey
Author Cindy Davis provides the second book in this series that explores the metaphysical aspects of our spiritual gifts. The setting is the Red Rocks of Sedona, AZ. This is an area where I have spent a great deal of time. The landscape, beauty, and inexplicable sensations one gets from hiking the area amplifies the spiritual foundation.
Sedona is known for places that contain a vortex or are amazing alive with energy. A common side-effect is people feeling inspired and uplifted after exploring the area. It is the perfect setting for Jade to establish a school with her Shaman in training. Miguel.
The character development of Miguel is superb. His attributes are appealing and exciting. This boy, at 10, has the abilities, visions, and sensitivities to master his healing powers.
When Jade, with Miguel in tow, search for a new school, they come across the unexpected. The hotel they are considering contains some oddities, including a spirit who died 143 years ago. Can Jade and Miguel help Mary successfully move to the correct spiritual plane?
” “Good morning. Isn’t this lovely weather?” “I am very quiet when I need to be,” said an almost-whispered voice. “My name is Mary. Mary Tabitha Parsons. Good morning to you also. And yes, the weather is spectacular.”
My name is Jade Martinez.” She left out the long, genetic chain of her names—Jade Sacniete French Waempo Martinez—too many syllables, too confusing to anyone outside of her adopted country. “I live in Mexico.” She plucked a pair of paper towels from the rusty dispenser and faced the woman to be more sociable.
She was a couple of inches shorter than Jade’s five-foot-nine. She seemed young, maybe twenty-three or -four. Her dress came straight out of the 1800s: pale blue calico with tiny buttons down the front, and a bonnet of the same fabric. The tips of cocoa brown hair poked from underneath. Jade let her gaze go toward the floor, to the brown leather boots with more of those tiny buttons. Maybe some sort of costume party was going on in town. Could be Sedona had their own version of Mardi Gras. She’d have to do some checking.”
Learning how the mysterious Chaahk fits into this spiritual puzzle and how he related to Jade’s grandfather, Zipacna is a crucial thread. As Author Davis pulls the woven lines of this story together, the nature of connection to the earth and spirited guides is not necessarily a fantasy but rather a perspective on what we as individuals are open to discovering.
I liked the writing and message of the first book in this series, Zipacna’s Legacy. This volume builds on that spiritual foundation as it explores Jade’s development. All the characters are well-defined, with Miguel rising to the top. I encourage others to read this with an open mind. Definitely recommended to those who are unafraid of exploring different belief systems that cannot be easily explained.
About the Author

Cindy Davis is best known for her murder mysteries and romantic suspense, many of which were set in her home state of New Hampshire. And have achieved considerable success. Now, a transplant to Florida, Cindy has found herself changing not only place of origin but also genre since her latest work is a New Age fiction penned with her husband, Rick.
She is an award-winning freelance editor who’s worked in both fiction and non-fiction with over a thousand authors.
Cindy was born in Massachusetts. Cold weather was always an issue, so much of her winter-time was spent constructing murder mysteries. I guess I’m not the smartest cookie in the jar because it took 62 years to make a move south. She loves Florida and the 12-month season of opportunity for outdoor activities.
The past five years have been a wild ride indeed, both personally and in the writing world. The warm weather stimulated the apparently dormant need to write. It also encouraged a new genre—spiritual/metaphysical. It’s a great new topic, full of possibilities. Which inspires the need to mention the catalyst and partner in that change…
Illustrator Rick Palmacci
Rick has lived in Florida for the last 35 years. He’s originally from the Boston area (Revere Beach), and is now married to the delightful author Cindy.
She has just got him involved with co-authoring the Rick and Cindy series of non-fiction books. Rick has a passion for the beach, reading and traveling. A connoisseur of coffee.