Rox Burkey – Blog Place

I want to share with you a really great book, The Go-Giver. It is applicable to any one in business at any stage of their career. The ability to interact with people in positive ways will help impact the results you have with your career.

This book outlines the steps or principles to use with yourself and others. The book is put together in such a manner a to help you to continue to be a great person to interact with. John Thornhill recommended it as a read and I am so glad I did.  Fortunately for me it was in an audible format allowing me easily listening while driving.

Practicing these steps is not heard but something you need to keep top of mind.  I look forward to applying these to my interactions with all the people I will cross paths with on my journey to becoming a brilliant digital marketeer.

Enjoy the book and let me know your thoughts.

Talk soon.

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